20. From couch potato to wellness warrior: Beginner wellness guide

20. From couch potato to wellness warrior: Beginner wellness guide

Lately, we’ve been talking a lot about anxious thoughts + how to minimize them at night to celebrate the upcoming NEW journal collection and workshop to celebrate!

On this week’s podcast episode, we’re immersing ourselves into the world of minimizing negative thoughts by taking the best possible care of ourselves on the inside and out through healthy habits. 

You may not realize it, but how you eat, move, sleep, and handle stress ALL directly contribute to how kind or rude the voice in your head speaks to you. 

Listen to hear more about how you can improve the quality of your thoughts through self-care (beyond epsom salt baths and chocolate cake).

Connect with me on social: IG + TikTok @onerayjournal and @intentionalwithmaria

Shop mindful routine tools: www.onerayjournal.com

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