6. All things fashion + psychology + business with Aimon Ali

6. All things fashion + psychology + business with Aimon Ali

Now based in Cleveland, Ohio Aimon is a fashion entrepreneur as well as an experienced Fashion Runway Show Producer, Stylist, and Creative Director from Toronto, Canada. With 7+ years of experience in the Canadian Fashion Industry, she has done events in Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa and Vancouver.

After her move to Cleveland she started exploring the creative industry in Cleveland in search for the fashion she loved and was used to. She soon realized there was something missing. There were so many amazing creatives with some amazing work but no outlet when it came to elevated fashion.

She made it her goal to bring elevated and diverse events to Cleveland. Events you don’t have to think twice about before attending. Events based on quality, high fashion, and supporting our community.

Instagram: @thefashiontalks @aimon.ali

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